
RDV2_2Situations_Shapes and gravities_pump room.jpg

Residency in CERN 2018- 2019 with Julie Lang

Collide | Arts at CERN



Espaço, Tempo, Energia (2019) is an installation exhibited in Camp Serrapilheira curated by Natasha Felizi ( https://serrapilheira.org/camp/ )

This artwork is an experimental conversation with women particle physicists around the notion of time, with bodily, choreographic and poetic perspectives. Tools as imagination, speculation and memory are also used. 

This piece is an immersive environment that includes text, voice, sound and video. The disposal implies discursive and narrative practices, with the participation of Claire Lee, particle Physicist at CERN and Tamara Vasquez-Schroder, Physicist researcher at CERN

This project embodies Anne Sylvie Henchoz and Julie Lang experience residency at CERN. (Award Collid Geneva 2018).